Just last month on May 26 it was announced that Shahid Kapoor had been roped in to feature as the male lead in Malayalam director Rosshan Andrrews next. The film, which will be a collaboration between Roy Kapur Films and Zee Studios, is said to be an action thriller that will see Shahid sharing screen space with Pooja Hegde. Interestingly, Bollywood Hungama has learnt that for the yet-untitled venture, Shahid has decided on taking a cut in his fee. In fact, if what the grapevine says is true then Shahid who charged a whopping Rs. 40 cr. for his recent release Bloody Daddy has taken a cut of nearly Rs. 15 cr. for the Rosshan Andrrews venture.

Shahid Kapoor reduces his remuneration by Rs. 15 cr; charges Rs. 25 cr. for Rosshan Andrrews’ next

Shahid Kapoor reduces his remuneration by Rs. 15 cr; charges Rs. 25 cr. for Rosshan Andrrews’ next

Revealing details a well-placed industry source tells Bollywood Hungama, “Shahid Kapoor has been at the top of his game. With the success of Farzi and of course now Bloody Daddy being released, it does come as a surprise that Shahid would take a pay cut. Compared to Bloody Daddy for which Shahid charged a whopping Rs. 40 cr, for this untitled venture he has taken a cut of Rs. 15 cr. Shahid has charged just Rs. 25 cr. for the film.”

Interestingly, the source points out that with Shahid Kapoor deciding to slash his fee others in the industry will also have to follow suit. “With Shahid deciding to slash his fees, most other actors as well will have to re-evaluate their remunerations. Filmmakers and producers are going to cite Shahid as an example.”

Also Read: Shahid Kapoor appeals South Indian viewers to embrace Hindi cinema; says, “Hindi audience has accepted your films with an open heart, you all should also accept our films”


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